Genel soru

Potterhead kimlere denir?


What do you say to a Potterhead?

How to talk to a Potterhead you just met

  • Introduce yourself. You might have already done this, but if you haven't, just say "Hi, I'm ______."
  • Complement them! …
  • Start some smalltalk. …
  • Ask them what books or movies they're into. …
  • Ask them if they like any movie or book series. …
  • Ask them if they like Harry Potter!

Nov 18, 2016

Who is the biggest Potterhead?

Steve Petrick Self-proclaimed 'world's biggest Harry Potter fan' spent more than $13k on merchandise. Steve Petrick received internet fame when he entered, and won, a Moviefone contest in 2010 looking for 'America's Biggest Harry Potter Fan. ' His video, “World's Biggest Harry Potter Fan” has more than a million views on YouTube.

How do you become a true Potterhead?

10 Ways to be a Potterhead

  1. Read Books. Probably the most important point! …
  2. Be sorted by Pottermore. …and don't cheat! …
  3. Watch Movie Marathon. It's not same as watching only single movie. …
  4. Drink Butterbear. …
  5. Read Fanfiction. …
  6. Write fanfiction. …
  7. Watch A Very Potter Musical. …
  8. Make your own wand.

Mar 23, 2017

Is the Harry Potter fandom toxic?

HP fandom is toxic for many reasons. Character worshipping, character bashing, non canon ships colliding with canon ships. Snape debates etc. But the most amount of toxicity comes from Harry/Hermione shippers.

What should you not say to a Potterhead?

16 Things You Should Never Say To A Harry Potter Fan

  • “Hermione should have wound up with Harry.” …
  • “Snape was always a bad guy.” …
  • “Dumbledore wasn't very bad ass.” …
  • “Lord of the Rings is so much better.” …
  • “I prefer Twilight over Harry Potter.” …
  • “Harry Potter is for little kids.” …
  • “I didn't think Umbridge was that bad.”