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Barty Crouch SR kim öldürdü?


Was Barty Crouch Sr a good person?

Bartemius Crouch Senior was not a bad man. He might have been cold, and ruthless in his ambition and passionate about his beliefs, but he didn't set out to destroy his family or break the law.

Did Barty Crouch know Sr?

According to books, Barty Crouch senior was never able to recognise or know that person posing himself as Alastor Moody was his son. Barty Crouch senior was kept under the imperious curse by Voldemort. But soon he began to fight the imperious curse and one day when wormtail was not alert, he escaped to Hogwarts.

Is Barty Crouch Jr related to the black family?

They were related to the Black, Yaxley, Longbottom, Weasley, and other known pure-blood families. … In addition, the Crouch family was a "respectable" pure-blood family as Charis Black married into this family while Barty Crouch Sr opposed Lord Voldemort.

Was Barty Crouch Jr a Slytherin?

Barty Crouch Junior's Hogwarts house has never been stated in canon so we don't really know. He obviously became a devoted Death Eater, which many see as him being a likely Slytherin, but his father also claimed Crouch Junior received 12 O.W.L.s, which would be more more likely from a Ravenclaw.

Why did Barty Crouch Jr turn Malfoy into a ferret?

Turning Draco into a bouncing ferret was probably as much fun for him as it was for Harry, Ron, and Hermione to watch. The book gave us the answer already. Crouch Jr made sure to intimidate and scare anyone who he thought might interfere with Harry's success in the tournament.